Friday, 12 August 2011

Extension of the Gut

This is a statement I wrote in April 2011 as per the requirements of George Brown's Audition. I like it.  I thought I would share.

For many, theatre is the name of a space with a stage and seating, black curtains and Fresnel’s, and hopefully, good acoustics. Some people call theatre an art, an aesthetic medium for exploring the questions that define our struggles as human beings. I say that theatre is an extension of the gut which when left unfed will ulcerate and corrode the carrier from inside. I say that theatre is not a choice but a visceral need for those who discover it calling from inside of them. Theatre is the only place outside of the womb where true creation takes place, and a return to the womb is what we as humanity need, because we’re dying. We need a rebirth.
I did not know that eighth grade drama class would lead to this. I did not, but here I am nonetheless. I did the elementary school Christmas musicals, I did the public speaking contests, I was not, nor am I now, afraid to present myself before others, but it is a lot harder than before. I know more about life now. I know that my words will not always be appreciated, that my actions will be considered too bold, and that sometimes silence is a necessary ingredient to keep social norms in good health. Their health aside, I refuse to live in a world where I must be quiet, where our minds and bodies and souls must be quiet. I need to speak and I need a place to do so, and the theatre is this place.
I started my work in theatre with my high school theatre troupe, and as poorly made as some sets were, as much as we did fumble with our lines, we created work that meant something to us. When looking back, we all know that without it, we would be lost. Despite obstacles along my path, I have never surrendered to either my doubts or the voices of others doubting me. Theatre is inside of me and I will fight to let it out. Life is chaotic, but theatre allows us to transform chaos into meaning. I seek to work in the theatre because it is through using my body and voice that I am able to conceptualize a world where things have value, where my actions, words and even mere presence has value. It is because of the opportunity for creation, expression, and sincere connection with others that I seek to be an actor of the stage.
I was afraid to be so blunt, but I'm glad it payed off.

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