Potential Penpals
I should write to parliament every day. I should write to Stephen Harper every day telling him what I think of what he's doing. I could send comical yet scathing letters about the state of our education system and the treatment of First Nations. I could condemn his conversative views while poking fun at them in a jolly mocking way. Something Wildean. Mr. Harper, your privatization initiative is poppycock! He'll think I'm an old English woman, and listen to my wisdom. That's a lot of money on stamps and stationary. I could use recycled stationary with owl stickers. Maybe subconsciously create a sense of caring for the environment via owls. Owls are the answer for our future. Owl stickers to be precise. I will send him videos of myself lipsyching to Right Back To Where We Started From by Maxine Nightingale for when he is sad. Why would I take such care to tickle a man whose views I so greatly despise? Because you catch more flies with honey, that's why! I will drown him in honey, drown his closeminded soul with honey, sweet tender liberal honey from the loins of feminism! Exactly! I will also write to Rob Ford, using a large font and bright colours to peak his interesting, and explain to him why bicycles are good, and why books are good. I will draw detailed pictures, in crayon, and explain the history of Asian-Canadians, and why they've had to work so damn hard. (He said they work like dogs. Here's a link talking about it: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/toronto/rob-ford-and-a-decade-of-controversy/article1678543/
Canadian politics is at a golden age of warm, glowing bullshit.
Recently, in federal communcations, instead of using the heading Government of Canada, Harper Government has started to be used.
"It's not Stephen Harper's government, it's the goverment of all Canadians," Liberal MP Dominic LeBlanc told CBC News. "You'd expect this kind of directive to be issued by the ministry of information in North Korea."
I agree with Mr. LeBlanc on this point. What next, Harper Government issued school curriculums, textbooks, Harper Government certified homes- fully equipped with 24 survellience and chains for women, people of colour, and gays, so they don't infiltrate the workforce?
If I mysteriously go missing, you all know why. It's because I can PREDICT THE FUTURE*.
*I cannot actually PREDICT THE FUTURE, uppercase or otherwise.
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